Professionals at your service
Consulting and project development
We offer a personalized project development and consultation service
Please contact us for more information.

Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo, PhD

Farzaneh Rahmdani, MSc
The bioinformatics platform offers you the analysis of your NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) data according to your needs.
Analysis of DNA-Seq data (Whole Exome / Genome Sequencing)
- Variant calling
- Variant annotation
- De novo assembly
Analysis of RNA-Seq data (RNA-seq, sRNA, microarray)
- Differential expression analysis
- Alternative splicing analysis
- NcRNA / sRNA identification
- Transcriptome assembly
- Detection of co-expression networks
- Detection of single nucleotide variation in the transcriptome
- Gene fusion detection
Metagenomic analysis
- Identification of relative abundance
- Taxonomic profiling
- Functional analysis
Methyl-Seq Data Analysis
- Identification of methylation regions
- Differential methylation analysis
Other data analysis
- Do you have particular needs?
- Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it.
- Gene ontology enrichment (GO)
- Enrichment of biological processes
- Identification of protein-protein interactions
- Identification of metabolic pathways
- NGS data analysis
- Use of Compute Canada resources
- Linux command line
- Programming (Python, R, Perl, Java, Bash)
- Managing high performance computing tasks
- Slurm on Compute Canada clusters
- Torque
- Training on demand
We were very satisfied with the work done by Golrokh. She is really professional, competent and above all very friendly !! The quality and the deadline of the work are very satisfactory !!

A perfectly managed platform. Golrokh quickly understands our needs and helps us from the design stage of experiments to their analysis. She has a gift for popularizing very technical elements. All our bioinformatics analyzes pass through his hands.

CERMO-FC members and UQ network researchers are invited to contact us to find out about privileged rates thanks to the support of CERMO-FC.
Bioinformatics service rate at $95 /hour.
Bioinformatics service rate at $150 /hour.
An administrative charge of 15% may be applicable.
FAQ - Frequently Ask Questions
Fill out the “Service Request” form or contact us.
Contact us for a free consultation. Together we will assess the feasibility of your project, and we will discuss how to achieve your goals. Then, we will discuss the steps needed to start your project.
The analysis time of your data depends on the calculations to be made according to your needs. The order of service requests is based on the date the data was received.