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Collaborative research grants

CERMO-FC is pleased to support the collaborative research of its members for the knowledge improvement on orphan diseases. Through one research grant competition, the objective of CERMO-FC is to offer the opportunity to develop innovative projects, mainly in multidisciplinary collaboration, to promote the use of CERMO-FC technological platforms, and encourage major scientific breakthroughs in the field of orphan diseases.

Other research supports

The CERMO-FC, UQAM’s institutional center, aims to increase the scientific productivity and research competitiveness of UQAM professors who are members of CERMO-FC. To this end, the center makes available through a competitive process educational release for its UQAM members. The teaching release thus allow professors to devote more time to their research activities.

Graduate scholarships

The purpose of the CERMO-FC graduate scholarships is to offer the opportunity to students CERMO-FC members to initiate research on mechanisms or treatments on orphan diseases (OD). In order to train the new generation of OD expert, the CERMO-FC support second and third cycle students carrying out their research project in the laboratory of a member of the Center, and thus serve as a lever to obtained major external research grants.

Opportunities from our partners

CERMO-FC partners offer funding opportunities. Visit their website to find out more

Past collaborative research grant

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