Mouse Brain Vasculature

Description de la photo
This image shows a slice of the mouse brain vasculature of an eleven-day-old mouse. The imaging is performed using light sheet microscopy where the mouse brain is made fully transparent, and the vessels are marked so that they emit light when illuminated by lasers, which can then be captured by the microscope. To investigate the effects of a lack of oxygen in the brain, whole-brain imaging is needed to calculate statistics of the vascular structure in the mouse brain. Our research aims to compare healthy mice and mice that have been exposed to an environment of reduced oxygen. This leads to insights into the processes that lead to the underdevelopment of the brain during or right after pregnancy with foetuses that have experienced a reduction of oxygen during their development.
Nom: Irgolitsch Frans
Affiliation: Polytechnique Montréal et UQAM
Année du concours: 2023, Lauréat du concours