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Investigating Intracellular Transport: A Microscopic Analysis of the Microtubule Network and Early Endosomes in mouse fibroblast Cells

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In this study, we present a detailed microscopic analysis of the intracellular transport system in fibroblast cells. Our focus is on the visualization and interaction of microtubules, stained green, and early endosomes, marked by red dots. The microtubules form a complex, dense network that serves as the cellular ‘highway,’ essential for the efficient and directed movement of organelles and vesicles. The early endosomes, vital for regulating endocytosis and signalling pathways, are observed closely associated with this network. This association highlights the critical role of the microtubule network in facilitating the transport and maturation of endosomes. The above image provides insights into the fundamental mechanisms of intracellular transport, emphasizing the interplay between microtubules and endosomes, and potentially contributing to a better understanding of cellular processes such as signalling, nutrient uptake, and disease pathogenesis.


Nom: Vishwakarma Anjali
Affiliation: UQTR (Labo Marc Germain)
Année du concours: 2023, lauréate du concours

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