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2024 edition - Sixth symposium

November 21 and 22, 2024

198 participants

Pre Christiane Auray-Blais, Sherbrooke University

4 conferences of projects granted by CERMO-FC

12 student conferences

85 poster research projects

In 2024, the CERMO-FC community had the opportunity to come together for a longer event, which lasted 1.5 days, thus allowing for even richer and more in-depth discussions. We are also delighted to have welcomed, in addition to our CERMO-FC members, the members of the RARE.Qc network, which marks an important step in the development of our community. The participation of new players in the field of orphan diseases is a great opportunity to strengthen synergies and open new avenues for research in this crucial sector.

With 198 participants, 4 presentations by CERMO-FC grant recipients, 12 oral presentations by students, and 80 poster research projects, this event was an excellent opportunity for researchers and students who are members of the Center to discuss multidisciplinary collaborative projects, which are more essential than ever to develop innovative and relevant solutions, both for fundamental and applied research.

We also had the privilege of attending the exciting plenary conference of our guest speaker, Professor Christiane Auray-Blais, biochemist-responsible for the Quebec Urinary Neonatal Screening Program for Hereditary Metabolic Diseases in Sherbrooke. Learn more about Professor Auray-Blais’ work

Find the entire event program on the website dedicated to the event by clicking here.

The CERMO-FC organizing committee

Oral Presentation Award Recipients

  • Katarzyna Ochenkowska (UdeM, Éric Samarut lab)
  • Ambica Bora (UQTR, Alexandre Fisette lab)
  • Ivan Valette (UQAM, Claire Bénard lab)
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Récipiendaires des prix de présentations par affiches

  • Alexandre Clouet (UQTR, Patrick Narbonne lab)
  • Vina Banouvong (UQAM, Said Kourrich lab)
  • Paul Fabre (UdeM, Nicolas Dumont lab)
  • Nathan Ghafari (UQAM, Lekha Sleno lab)
  • Bryce Rampal (CRCHUM, Éric Samarut lab)
  • Jeffrey Killeen (UQAM, Claire Bénard lab)
  • Antoine Bouchard (UQAM, Laurent Cappadocia lab)
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Event Partners

Pictures of the symposium

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